Brain Power with Dr. Eko

Ep. 16 | Embracing Your Child's Autism/ADHD Diagnosis: A Journey to Acceptance

Dr. Hokehe Eko Season 1 Episode 16

When your child receives a diagnosis of Autism or ADHD, it can feel like you're venturing into unknown territory without a map. In our latest episode, I delve into this very journey with you. I'm Dr. Hokehe Eko, a pediatrician dedicated to nurturing the development of children with these diagnoses.

My philosophy goes beyond symptom management; it's about embracing the unique journey each child and their family must embark upon. Throughout our conversation, I offer a wealth of knowledge, from the emotional stages parents may experience to the practical steps for creating a supportive environment that allows children to shine.

At Glow Pediatrics, I bring an infusion of hope and hands-on advice. I don't just validate the complexities parents face; I offer a pathway through them. I emphasize the significance of early intervention, the vital roles of sleep and nutrition, and the power of community support.

Together, we'll not only cope but also transform the understanding of your child's potential and celebrate their individuality. By the close of our session, you'll be equipped with an uplifting new perspective and actionable strategies to help your child—and your family—thrive.

Find the full episode on your favorite podcast platform and check out the video version on our YouTube channel!

If you want to schedule an ADHD/Autism appointment for your child, you may contact Glow Pediatrics:

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Dr. Hokehe Eko:

Hello everyone. It's Dr. Hokehe Eko, Happy Brain Pediatrician here. So today I just wanted to talk about how do we as parents reach the place of acceptance of our children, especially if your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or autism. I just saw mom and I just gave her the diagnosis of her child when she was here to receive that, and it was very heartwarming. It was very encouraging to hear her say that, regardless of the diagnosis, she just wanted to be able to give her child and love her child to the best of her ability, regardless of the diagnosis, and that that didn't change who he was.

Dr. Hokehe Eko:

And so I recognize that can be a difficult thing for parents, a difficult place for parents to get to, especially when you first get the diagnosis like that. That often comes with a lot of connotation and a lot of feelings of overwhelm, feelings of how am I going to get through this and what's going to happen to my child and what's going to happen to my child and what's going to happen to our family. And those are all valid thoughts and valid feelings and I'm not here to discount that at all, but rather to offer this up to you parents who may be struggling with if you've recently gotten a diagnosis of your child having ADHD, autism, and it's like going through the grief process right, the denial, the anger or bargaining, the acceptance all the stages of grief because this is your child, your precious child we're talking about. My hope and my prayer is that for you parents is that you get to the place where you can see the challenges your child may have and still love them through that and still be proud of them through that and know that if you surround yourself with all the support possible and that's why I talk a lot about early intervention getting if your child, if you feel like your child, needs help, it's getting that help early, the earlier the better, right, so that whatever changes needs to be implemented with your child can be done early. So that's so important and I know it can be scary to hear a diagnosis, but I offer up these thoughts to you that it's not so much about the diagnosis but if we focus on that, getting the diagnosis leads to receiving the help that your child needs at home, at school, wherever they may be, your child is not the diagnosis, right.

Dr. Hokehe Eko:

Before I give the diagnosis to parents, I often talk about how it's so important for them to hear me that when I'm giving them the levels, I'm saying if it's level one, two or three, that doesn't mean anything about the person of your child. It doesn't mean your child will not improve. It doesn't mean that your child's speech will not improve. It doesn't mean that all hope is lost. It's simply a number. That means we're telling the school give this child as much support as they need, and I always implore parents to remember that. Remember that on the days when it's so challenging and you feel like you're alone in this, just remember that you're not alone and that you can get through this and you can reach out and ask for help. That's the most important thing knowing that you're not alone at all. Is it challenging? Yes, can you be supported through it? Yes.

Dr. Hokehe Eko:

Are there things that can improve about your child? Yes, so things like their sleep, which of course affects their behavior. So things like what they eat, which of course invariably affects the way their brain functions and that's what we work on as low pediatrics is how can we look at your child from the inside out right and help them glow with health, literally? How can we address those underlying things that may not necessarily be addressed right, things like this child needs to sleep. How do we help them sleep? That's critical, because if your brain doesn't get the rest it needs, if your child's brain doesn't, your child cannot act right, cannot behave to the best of their abilities, cannot function to the best of their abilities, cannot function to the best of their abilities. If you think about you as a parent, if you don't sleep, then you don't feel good, so it's the same thing with your child, and so that's what we at Glow Pediatrics work on is how can we address all of those issues and concerns that may or may not be addressed, but that are critical to the well-being of your child overall. And so reach out to us. If you need help, go to glowpediatrics. com or you can call 405-871-5807. And we're here to support you.

Dr. Hokehe Eko:

And I just again want you to know that there is hope and I say that as my name is my name there is hope for your child. You're not alone in this. Your child can do better. Your child can improve, their symptoms can get better, and it doesn't make you a failure as a parent if your child is diagnosed with ADHD or autism. You're not a failure. You haven't done something wrong. Let's work together to figure out how best we can help your child do better. Let's work together to figure out how best we can help your child do better, and just be encouraged.

Dr. Hokehe Eko:

And please take care of yourselves, parents, because if you don't take care of yourselves, you cannot take care of your children to the best of your ability. That's my encouragement for today. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. Reach out to us if you need any help with your children diagnosed with ADHD or autism. If you need an evaluation for your child, call us. If you, as a parent, are looking for support with addressing the underlying concerns of your child using integrative medicine, call us. We are here to support you. We have a YouTube channel where I have lots of information on there. It's Brain Power with Dr Eko. So just remember that you are the best parent for your child and that we're here to support you. Have an amazing day.